
Facts about the Crocodile | Interesting and Fun facts About Crocodiles


Facts about the Crocodile | Interesting and Fun facts About Crocodiles

Facts about the Crocodile | Interesting and Fun facts About Crocodiles  

1. They have 80 sharp teeth in their mouth but still they prefer to swallow their prey. 

2. They swallow stones to digest and break their food. 

3. Crocodiles can live 30 years to 70 years depending on Sea water. 

4. The Smallest crocodile species is "Dwarf Crocodile". With only 5 feel long and weight only 32KG.

5. Largest crocodile species are "Salt Water Crocodile" with 7 feet long and weight around 1200KG.

6. This species is about 250 Millions years old means They are here from dinosaurs time.

7. Due to their long strong tale they can swim at the speed of 25 miles per hour. 

8. Crocodiles has the properties of both Mammals and reptiles. 

9. Crocodiles swallow alot of air while eating their prey. 

10. They are carnivorous. They don't eat vegetables. 

11. Female Crocodiles lay 10 to 60 eggs at a single time. 

12. 99% of crocodiles are eaten by big fishes in the first year of their life. 

13. They have some kind of veil in their mouth when they open it water cannot get inside. 

14. Once they grab their prey in their mouth it becomes impossible to get out from their jaw. 

15. Their throat is so big that they can swallow small animals without any problems.

16. They can remain in water for around 5-6 hours straight. 

17. There are total 18 species of Crocodiles. 

18. Scientists think that In dinosaurs times they used to be about 10 meter long. 

19. Crocodiles can see under water.  

20. Crocodiles digestive system is so strong that they can digest bones and stones. 

21. The word crocodile comes from Ancient Greek krokódilos meaning 'lizard'.

22. Their wide webbed feet and strong tail helps them to swim fast. 

23. Crocodiles can not stick out their tongue. 

24. Crocodiles are around 20cm long when they born. 

25. They are able to replace their teeth around 50 times in their lifespan. 

26. Next to Each big full grown teeth there is a small teeth that can be activated if needed. 

27. Crocodiles release heat through their mouths. 

28. They often sleeps with their mouth open. 

29. Crocodiles have accurate senses. Which makes them apex predator. 

30. There Sense of smells are so good. They can smell if Prey is in land or water. 

31. Crocodiles are ambush predators. They wait for their prey to come closer. 

32. Despite being slow, crocodiles have very fast and strong strike. 

33. The force of a large crocodile's bite is more than 5,000 lbf (22,000 N).

34. They have strong muscles to close the jaw but really weak muscles to open it. 

35.  The land speed of crocodiles is around 11 miles per hour. 

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